Friday at the office

I like to be brutally honest, my husband says it will get me in trouble but what do I have to lose!?

I called in on Monday, well because I needed a mental health day, then later on in that day I ended up pulling something in my back, while doing DISHES!!!!!!!!!!  BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I have been to work every day since, why???  Because I have feelings, and feel for those that I work with, I feel bad when I am not there and they have to do my job in my absence.  I feel I am letting them down.

Today I should have taken the day and gone to see my doctor, today I should have done things to help fix me and my body to ensure that I can keep going and doing the things that I love doing.  BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT no, I came in to the office because I have feelings.  Stupid FKN feelings.  I am here no mare than 1/2 hour when I learn that it is me and only me form the sales department that will be in the office.  I will give a pass to the girl who requested the day off, it was her birthday yesterday and she deserves to celebrate.  The super an the other guy are “working” remote.  So here I sit, in totally pain and agony, at the office while the others working from the comfort of their homes.

Why do I have feelings, why do I care, how do I get rid of feelings…..

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